The Foundation


FOUNDATION for FAMILY and SCHOOL PROTECTION (aka “The Foundation”) , is  a nonprofit agency, advocating Act 19 (1) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), educational and charitable organization funded through Public {local, state or federal government } and Private {larger foundations, multinationals, clubs and international organizations} sources to facilitate school grants. The Foundation is dedicated to providing programs and services that will build character, leadership and Citizenship in students in Nursery and Primary schools, Secondary schools & Colleges, Polytechnics and Universities in Nigeria. We ensure all efforts are employed to mitigate Child vices/Abuse, Juvenile Delinquency and Criminal Youth Gangs influences. We provide preventive and early intervention programs.

The Foundation designs and distributes family strengthening and parent involvement programs to help kids succeed in school and in life. Our award-winning programs will help families all across Africa to improve parenting skills and connect families to their schools. Though founded in Nigeria, it brings together local support resources to build protective factors around kids which will allow for programmes to run successfully in the 36 states of Nigeria and other African frontiers. We are dedicated to helping parents safeguard their families and position their children for success. As kids of all backgrounds and orientations, from different nations, cultures, and walks of life face many obstacles, The Foundation`s programmes offers adaptability in order to serve all populations. We want to help you – keep your children safe, smart and prepared for life’s challenges.

Our primary discipline is Family Counseling on children school needs. The Foundation believes in the potential of every child and youth to be a leader—to discover and develop their unique strengths and gifts, to use those gifts to lead lives of integrity and great service, and to contribute to their families, communities, and future careers. We champion on developing students for present day realities.

Foundation for Family and School Protection has permanent board of faculty collaboration with Institute of Students Affairs Management (ISAM) on Family, Home and Environment Protection (FHEP) and “Citizenship” researches.

We train the child primarily on two disciplines;

1)      Citizenship and

2)      Leadership

We protect the human core-domain in any environment, the home. Crimes are committed in homes and environments’ against children’s, parents and guardians ignorance. On Family protection initiative, we don’t arrest, or punish criminals; we train to make sure there are none.

We protect a child when far from family watch, i.e., school or any other environment away from home. We train the mind (battle field of the issues of life). Family is usually the first teacher or model for behavior and misbehavior.

Our programs produce the 10 following outcomes:

  1. Decreased conflict with local police and law enforcement matters
  2. Increased respect for police officers and the justice system
  3. Reduced conflict in the home, and reduced aggressive behaviors by kids
  4. Increased parent awareness, involvement, and leadership in the community
  5. Reduction of juvenile delinquency and gang involvement
  6. Reduced substance abuse problems in schools and neighborhoods
  7. Self-discipline and Integrity
  8. Identity discovery
  9. Increased sense of life purpose
  10. Increased patriotism

The Child Right’s Act 2003, passed into law in the Federal Capital Territory (Abuja), defines a child as a person who has not attained the age of eighteen years.

However, according to Act 2 of Children and Young Persons Act, enacted in Eastern, Western and Northern regions, The Children and Young Persons Act (CYPA), a “child means a person under the age of fourteen years, while ‘young person’ means a person who has attained the age of fourteen years and is under the age of seventeen years.”

Furthermore, the Immigration Act stipulates that any person below 16 years is a minor, whereas the Matrimonial Causes Act puts the age of maturity at 21. The latter act becomes irrelevant in practice, since the individual states state their own age for marriage. As for penal responsibility, art. 50 of the Penal Code (North) states: “No Act is an offence which is done by a child under seven years of age; or by a child above seven years of age but under twelve years of age who has not attained sufficient maturity of understanding to judge the nature and consequence of such Act.”

These are only some examples of different ages enshrined in a multitude of legal texts and in customary law all over the country. The official report admits that laws affecting children continues to be “scattered in different legislation” and explains that “the perception of Age as a definition of a Child depends on who is defining.. (OMCT and CLEEN).

 According to Act 19 (1) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), “States Parties shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s) or any other person who has the care of the child.” Protective skills cannot be used unless children recognize situation of potential abuse or when abuse is occurring. It is important that student develop knowledge and skills, appropriate to their age and stage, about what constitute abuse. Abuse is a crime and children are citizens of Nations. Nations are guided with laws for the protection of all. Train up a Child!

Family Protection is Cultivating a law abiding child through mentoring, to reign in life with developed innate creative potentials. Join the discussion today!

At The Foundation;

  • We Coach (Train and Develop)
  • We Counsel


The innocent, the child, is our target audience.

 Age range 3-29 years is referred to as a child in our services.

We are responsible to Parents, Homes, Institutions, Governors (child authority), Teachers, Educators, Instructors, Lecturers, Family-Care Organizations, and Babysitters.

The world is our field. We say One child, One Nation, help train one, train a generation.


When Mummy and Daddy are sleeping at home and the child is not next door, they need the peace of mind knowing their child is not vulnerable to any threat. We all envision our children growing to be good citizens of the Nation; a good desire but will cost us ensuring they are equipped with good knowledge. Every child becomes a man, meaning, children grow up to adulthood regardless of gender reference. A man is yesterday’s child that has grown in age.

Just when we think we have got the parenting terrain all figured out, we suddenly find ourselves in new territory again as each new age and stage presents another set of challenges, i.e.

*Stealing*occultism*Armed robbery*campus and off-campus prostitution*Rebellion*Incest,*School Malpractices*Failure*Puberty Crises*Gang Affiliations, *Underage drinking*Fighting, *homosexual syndrome*fraud and cybercrime*X-rated Audio/Video indulgences *Social Withdrawals*Behavioral Altered Consistency*Haughty Pranks*Unreflective Pride*Sudden Independence*Boastful Threats*abortions*cultism* Molestation*Statutory rape*Vandalism and Status Offenses.

Every human is born innocent. Our children’s hearts are fertile grounds. They need fences of knowledge. Protection! It’s the best job. It`s the most difficult of jobs. PARENTING! EDUCATION! Most of the responsibility of child rearing is delegated to television, free plays and daycare providers alone.

Family dysfunction, abuse, conflict, street life exposure, neglect and influence, this all have their place in the wiring of a child’s make up.

Sometimes we sail through smoothly. Sometimes we encounter tempests and tidal waves. Sometimes we get so tired that we just want to give up – let the storm take us where it will. But we have good news for you. We don`t have to be tossed and turned by these winds of change. Our children’s lives don`t have to be left to experience and chance.

Call us to help train and equip a child against crime and it`s influences, we are passionate to serve your family. A child trained to be a good Citizen is a future leader cultured against crime.



  • Campus Community Crusade Programmes
  • Secondary School Mentoring Programmes
  • Professional Training programmes
  • State of Affairs correction programmes
  • Nursery and Primary Field Operations (For Teachers and Daycare Providers)
  • Free Training
  • Special Invitation


Model Session:  5:00pm – 6:00pm (Coaching) Monday

Vocation: 8:30am – 6:30pm (Counselling) Tuesday and Friday

8:30am – 3:30pm (Counselling) Wednesday and Thursday

10:30pm – 2:00am Last Monday of every month

X-ray Session: Engaged Parents only (for advance coaching-lodging is free)



The lists of some of our coaching programmes are enormous and what is recommended is that an assessment of need of any field be taken before conclusion on required training. That is,

  • School  pickup and reports,
  • Gang Profiling,
  • Citizenship Training,
  • Interpersonal conflict and Violence,
  • Why parents are who they are,
  • Nature of puberty
  • Rape victimology,
  • At home and in school,
  • Child Pressures,
  • School Probation and dismissal,
  • New friends-New environment,
  • Rebellion obsession and possession
  • Kill This 3 Dragons,(fear, indiscipline, influence)
  • Corporal Punishment
  • Child in conflict



Our primary focus is to

  • Guard homes,
  • Protect schools,
  • Watch the society.



Our programs don’t simply lecture or expose individuals to helpful services. We take participants through a complete process that changes behaviors within the family and social resource providers. We provide the blueprint and catalyst for cooperation between your organization and the other social resources that impact upon the lives of parents and children.

Family Protection is Cultivating a law abiding child through mentoring, to reign in life with developed innate creative potentials.


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